The value of Human and Equine-Assisted Learning Interactions is limitless. “Everyone should have the opportunity to experience the wellness benefits of bonding and connecting with horses.”
Rescue Remedy: Connecting Humans & Horses is a program offering that was initially developed as part of a graduate academic research paper and project. The pilot program was a successful endeavor held in November 2022 in collaboration with an equine rescue and rehabilitation center.
2025 Upcoming Wellness & Educational Programs:
Minis & More – CLYNK Donation Drive(s).
Please donate through your existing clynk account. You can do this online and choose Impact Horse-Connecting Humans and Horses under pick an organization to donate.
Please email to request CLYNK bags and our tags. Please specify how many bags you or your company need.
– Collect recyclable cans and bottles.
– Drop off at a Hannaford CLYNK collection stop near you.
– Every can and bottle counts and adds value to our mission and vision.
Additional programs may be added.
Please stay tuned for more information.
Rescue Remedy: Part II Educational and Animal Advocacy Project
Miniature Horse Yoga “Hoga” on the Promenade with “Toast” – Hosted by Yoga Practitioner
Date: To Be Announced
Rescue Remedy – Connecting Humans & Horses
Miniature Horse Mindfulness, Yoga and Meditation
Event Registration
Social Media
1. Share & Like Impact Horse on Facebook.
2. Follow us on Instagram @impacthorse501c3 to stay informed of all upcoming programs and events.
3. When reach 550 followers on Instagram, there will be a random drawing for a prize when our nonprofit instagram account hits this goal! The prizes will be….one random winner can pick 1 of the options below:
1. Mini Horse Playdate with “Toast” in Southern Maine – Visit Toast in Action. Date to be mutually agreed upon. Limited to 5 kids. Donations welcome and appreciated.
2. 15 min. Zoom call with our mini mascot “Toast” featured in a teams meeting or zoom call with your teammates.
Keep updated with Impact Horse by following us on our social media channels
Supporter Shoutout on Social Media! –
Take the Impact Horse Pledge vowing your support to our mission and emphasizing your belief in the healing power of horses along with the benefits of equine-assisted learning.
We are requesting a minimum of a $5 donation, per pledge.
Nonprofit Venmo – @impacthorse
Tag @impacthorse501c3 and use the hashtag #impacthorsepledge in your nonprofit pledge & support posts.
Rescue Remedy: Connecting Humans and Horses – Impact Horse ™
All elements of this site are Intellectual Property of Impact Horse.
Please mail your generous contributions to:
Impact Horse
PO Box 313, South Freeport, ME 04078