
Our Programs

Due to rising costs, gas, transportation, horse trailer upkeep and the numerous costs associated with caring for equines, we must ask for a minimum donation that will directly contribute to offering mini therapy visits sustainably.
$250 donation

The value of Human and Equine-Assisted Learning Interactions is limitless. “Everyone should have the opportunity to experience the wellness benefits of bonding and connecting with horses.”

Rescue Remedy: Connecting Humans & Horses is a program offering that was initially developed as part of a graduate academic research paper and project. The pilot program was a successful endeavor held in November 2022 in collaboration with an equine rescue and rehabilitation center.

2025 Upcoming Wellness & Educational Programs:

Minis & More – CLYNK Donation Drive(s).
Please donate through your existing clynk account. You can do this online and choose Impact Horse-Connecting Humans and Horses under pick an organization to donate.

Please email to request CLYNK bags and our tags. Please specify how many bags you or your company need.
– Collect recyclable cans and bottles.
– Drop off at a Hannaford CLYNK collection stop near you.
– Every can and bottle counts and adds value to our mission and vision.

Additional programs may be added.
Please stay tuned for more information.


 Rescue Remedy: Part II Educational and Animal Advocacy Project

Miniature Horse Yoga “Hoga” on the Promenade with “Toast” – Hosted by Yoga Practitioner
Date: To Be Announced
Rescue Remedy – Connecting Humans & Horses
Miniature Horse Mindfulness, Yoga and Meditation
 Event Registration


Social Media
1. Share & Like Impact Horse on Facebook.
2. Follow us on Instagram @impacthorse501c3 to stay informed of all upcoming programs and events.
3. When reach 550 followers on Instagram, there will be a random drawing for a prize when our nonprofit instagram account hits this goal! The prizes will be….one random winner can pick 1 of the options below:
     1. Mini Horse Playdate with “Toast” in Southern Maine – Visit Toast in Action. Date to be mutually agreed upon. Limited to 5 kids. Donations welcome and appreciated.
     2. 15 min. Zoom call with our mini mascot “Toast” featured in a teams meeting or zoom call with your teammates.

Keep updated with Impact Horse by following us on our social media channels

Supporter Shoutout on Social Media!
Take the Impact Horse Pledge vowing your support to our mission and emphasizing your belief in the healing power of horses along with the benefits of equine-assisted learning.
We are requesting a minimum of a $5 donation, per pledge.
Nonprofit Venmo – @impacthorse
Tag @impacthorse501c3 and use the hashtag #impacthorsepledge in your nonprofit pledge & support posts.

Rescue Remedy: Connecting Humans and Horses – Impact Horse ™

All elements of this site are Intellectual Property of Impact Horse.

Please mail your generous contributions to:
Impact Horse
PO Box 313, South Freeport, ME 04078

Impact Horse website design, creation, and maintenance by Cheryl Null at Stardom Design
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